Project Description

Home/Teacher Training/EUROLTA Certificate: How to teach languages online

How to Teach Languages Online

  • Meet the most common problems of online teaching and learn how to solve them

  • Understand the different theories of online learning

  • Learn how to make the most of your past experience in online teaching by realizing your role

  • Organize cooperative activities online

  • Identify real life examples and understand the technical aspects of your online teaching environment

  • Watch real – life online lessons and get practical examples

In this teacher training course you will learn:

  • How to locate the learning needs of your online learners
  • To change your role from a teacher to a facilitator
  • To organise collaborative online activities during your synchronous lessons
  • Where to search for solutions during your online courses
  • To organise your courses based on real case studies

Requirements for all online courses:

  • Good internet connection
  • A headset with microphone
  • A Skype account 
  • Speakers are recommended
  • Willingness and patience to learn
  • Try to practise what you have learned

Course Details


In this course, which is a result of the EU funded project GLOSSA 2 coordinated by ACTION SYNERGY, Greece, and is certified by the International Association for Languages ICC, Germany, the teachers of Greek as L2 or other languages learn about the characteristics and educational needs of online students of Greek and the role of the online teacher, how to organise their lesson plan, where to search for resources and educational materials for teaching Greek, how to organise collaborative online activities during the synchronous lessons. They also discuss any possible difficulties and challenges in relation to the student profile, the technical environment, the teaching material, and the organization of the courses based on real case studies. The correction of assignments and the feedback to the students of the online courses is a topic too. Finally, they observe online lessons of Greek, real or recorded.

The course “Teaching Greek as a foreign/second language ONLINE to adult students” was developed in the framework of the European Research Project GLOSSA 2 ( ) in the period 2013-2015. It is organized by the Hellenic Culture Centre with the technical support of the specialized company Action Synergy.

Training hours: 100 (or 150, for EUROLTA Certification)

Intended for 
  • Teachers of Greek or other languages with no or little language teaching experience
  • Practitioners who have experience in teaching Greek  or English or other languages in non-formal contexts, i.e. NGOs, or wishing to teach a language they know or Greek as L2
  • Experienced language teachers of Greek or other languages  who feel they need to upgrade their practical skills and teach online 
  • Directors of foreign language schools who plan to add Greek as L2 and design curricula for different online learners’ groups
  • Other educational or managerial staff, of language organisations, assistant or shadow teachers

The teaching material, consists of 14 modules, and is posted on an electronic educational platform. The course is implemented within four months, in three phases.

PHASE 1 (4 weeks, 25 hours)

Participants study the teaching material according to the schedule, communicate with each other in the platform forum, and once a week meet with the instructors via Skype. Synchronous live meetings are not mandatory, but it is good for the trainees to participate in them as well, in order to answer any questions and to “meet” the other participants online.

PHASE 2 (8 weeks, 50 hours)

The asynchronous study of the teaching material continues according to the schedule. Once a week participants take a synchronous online course facilitated by an experienced teacher trainer. 

PHASE 3 (4 weeks)

The asynchronous study of the teaching material is completed according to the schedule. The attendance of courses of experienced language trainers continues. Participants have the opportunity, if they wish, to have a hands-on practical teaching experience taking on the role of the teacher in three of the weekly lessons via skype to adult students, with the support of their instructors.

The trainee teachers have the obligation to post at least one answer in each unit of the course, to answer with at least ten posts to the other trainees, to prepare an assignment as well as to fill in the evaluation form of the course. The final work of the course is a Reflection Diary about all phases of the training, based on their posts from the coverage of the topics and their attendance, as well as on their experience during their teaching, if they decide to teach.  Teaching in online courses is not mandatory and is not reimbursed, as it is done in the context of training.


Learners can, if they wish, obtain the EUROLTA Certificate (European Certificate of Language Teaching for Adults) “How to teach languages online”. This is an internationally recognized certification ( provided by the ICC – International Language Association through the ELTACS Plan (European Language Teachers Assessment and Certification Scheme), in which the Greek Ministry of Education and Religions was a partner too ( ).

In this case, the course is extended by two months, so that the trainees can prepare the necessary additional work and complete their individual portfolio, which will be submitted for certification to the ICC, an organization involved in multilingualism policy as an advisor to the European Commission and has participatory status in the Council of Europe.

  1. The ice-breaking activities and the group dynamics in an online language class
  2. How to use the learning environment of the GLOSSA platform
  3. Our expectations and our training needs – the learning contract
  4. The characteristics and training needs of online students of Greek 
  5. Theories on Online Learning 
  6. Resources and educational materials for  teaching Greek
  7. The role of the online teacher of Greek
  8. Orchestration of collaborative online activities
  9. Communication of teachers with students and teachers with each other
  10. Designing a synchronous/ live online lesson
  11. Possible difficulties and challenges and how to deal with – Case Studies
  12. Possible challenges in relation to the technical environment, the teaching material, and the organization of the courses
  13. The correction of assignments and the feedback to the students of the online courses
  14. The evaluation of the online courses and the seminar

For the detailed Study Guides please click here


The Eurolta Certificate for online teaching: 150 hours, 6 months, 650 euros.

Tuition (650 euros) can be paid in three installments: 225 euros 10 days before the start of the seminar, 225 euros in the next two months and 200 euros in the next four months.


Ifigenia Georgiadou, MA, Director of the Hellenic Culture Centre, Teacher Trainer,  35 years’ experience in teaching, external expert – evaluator at the National Organization for Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), at the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) and the Institute for Lifelong Learning (INEDIVIM), author of the books “Play & Laugh- Language Games for Teaching Greek as a Foreign Language”, Kaleidoscope -textbook series for learning Greek, EUROLTA Master Trainer (Certified Instructor of Teacher Trainers).

Nikos Konstantopoulos, MA, adult educator, responsible for distance education at the Hellenic Culture Centre, 20 years’ experience in teaching and material production, EUROLTA Teacher Trainer (Certified Instructor of Teachers and adult educators), trainer in Greek sign language.


The EUROLTA Certificate – Level 1 How we teach languages online starts every year in January and ends in June. It includes a weekly meeting, usually late at night, for one hour. This meeting some weeks does not take place , so that the participants can prepare for their teaching practice and microteaching.

In the academic year 2021-2022 the synchronous online meetings with the trainers will take place every Wednesday 21.30-22.30 Greek time.


The certification is based on a Teacher Portfolio submitted by the candidate ( including lesson plans, teaching practice, assignments etc) and is prepared with the support of Teacher Trainers. It is sent to Germany to be evaluated by the EUROLTA Master Trainers.  Once the trainee is approved, the certificate is sent by the ICC headquarters from Germany within one month.

We submit portfolios for evaluation to the ICC assessors  2 or 3 times a year. After the delivery and in about one month, either the Certificates or the corrections of the evaluators are sent to the trainees. 

Our Centre issues a Certificate of Attendance for the courses held, in case the candidates need that during the training to present to different organisations. The Hellenic Culture Centre is officially recognized as a Lifelong Learning Centre and a language school by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religions (EOPPEP code number 2101782/ 2018 and 2308668/2018).

Working language

Greek is the working language for this course. You may be accompanied by your own interpreter from English or Greek and we are happy to welcome teachers of all languages.

Cancellation Policy

  • Free cancellation 30 days before the beginning of the teacher training course. 
  • In case of late cancellation participants can use half of their fees to register to any teacher training course of the Hellenic Culture Centre within one year time. 
  • Cancellation penalty: for late cancellation half of the fees for teacher training.