Project Description
EUROLTA Certificate – Level 1
- Adopt advanced teaching techniques
Assess your teaching skills by watching real life teaching by experienced teachers of Greek
Gain practical experience through teaching foreign language students or through micro-teaching (3-4 times)
Recognize how each student learns in order to maximize the effectiveness of your teaching
Learn to believe in yourself as a professional by bolstering trust in your abilities and increasing your self-confidence
In this teacher training course you will learn:
- To identify the needs of your learners
- To teach vocabulary and grammar through up-to-date techniques
- To use technology effectively
- To activate your students’ motivation
- To update your teaching skills and reach excellency in your courses
Requirements for all online courses:
- Good internet connection
- A headset with microphone
- A Skype account
- Speakers are recommended
- Willingness and patience to learn
- Try to practise what you have learned
Course Details
The EUROLTA (European Certificate of Adult Language Teaching) is an internationally recognized certification for those wishing to teach foreign languages and / or teachers of their mother tongue as a foreign language to adults. It is recognized by all member organizations of the ICC – International Language Association All three Certification programmes guarantee a high level of proficiency in teaching foreign languages to adults. Training programmes offered under the auspices of EUROLTA reflect a modern approach to language teaching and the educational process.
EUROLTA Certification is provided by the ICC through the network European Language Teachers Assessment and Certification Scheme (ELTACS), EU funded teacher certification project, in which the Greek Ministry of Education and Religions also participated.
What makes it different?
EUROLTA is open to teachers of any language, and to teachers of their mother tongue as L2
EUROLTA recognizes the different educational environments that professionals work in. Practitioners are welcome to join the EUROLTA training
EUROLTA is based on sound educational principles that apply to all environments
Intended for
Teachers of all foreign languages as well as Practitioners can be certified, by attending and adapting the respective programs and preparing their file in consultation with the instructors in classes of other foreign languages.
EUROLTA Certificate is designed for :
Language teachers with no or little language teaching experience
Practitioners who have experience in teaching in non-formal contexts or wishing to teach a language they know at level C1 or their mother tongue as L2
Experienced language teachers who feel they need to upgrade their practical skills
The training programme is based on a blended learning approach, that is a combination of face-to-face and online training as well as a strong element of reflection practice.
During the pandemic crisis the programme is offered exclusively online.
Apart from that the trainee teachers observe real or recorded language lessons and reflect and assess them based on an observation Sheet. They also practise their teaching skills in real classes or through micro-teaching among colleagues.
- face-to-face training (32 hours)
- on-line synchronous training (+-32 hours)
- online asynchronous training (+-186 hours)
- support in writing your Reflection Diary
- Practical experience in 4 teaching sessions
- 3, 6 or 10 observation sessions during the course, according to the course you participate in
- Personal mentoring and support by the trainers
- Help in preparing your Teacher Portfolio for evaluation by the ICC Master Trainers and Assessors
Three certificates are issued by the ICC through its certified body in Greece, the Hellenic Culture Centre:
the Eurolta Certificate
the Eurolta Diploma and
the Eurolta for language teaching online.
Training for the EUROLTA Certificate (10 months, 250 hours) is addressed to experienced and future teachers of foreign languages and/or to those teaching their mother tongue as a foreign language
The EUROLTA Certificate: 10 months, 250 hours, 900 euros
Tuition of 900 euros can be paid in 3 or 4 installments: 300 euros 10 days before the start of the course and the rest in 2 or 3 installments.
Ifigenia Georgiadou, MA, Director of the Hellenic Culture Centre, Teacher Trainer, 35 years’ experience in teaching, external expert – evaluator at the National Organization for Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), at the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) and the Institute for Lifelong Learning (INEDIVIM), author of the books “Play & Laugh- Language Games for Teaching Greek as a Foreign Language”, Kaleidoscope -textbook series for learning Greek, EUROLTA Master Trainer (Certified Instructor of Teacher Trainers).
Nikos Konstantopoulos, MA, adult educator, responsible for distance education at the Hellenic Culture Centre, 20 years’ experience in teaching and material production, EUROLTA Teacher Trainer (Certified Instructor of Teachers and adult educators), trainer in Greek sign language.
The EUROLTA Certificate – Level 1 starts every November for 9 months until August. There is one synchronous meeting with the trainers every week and this lasts one hour and is held usually late evening. Some weeks there is no meeting, as participants prepare and realise their teaching sessions and micro-teaching sessions.
During the 2022-2023 academic year the synchronous online meetings are held every Tuesday 21.30-22.30 Greek time.
In 2022-2023 it starts on 13/12/2022 and ends on 30/08/2023. Online or blended form.
If you choose the blended (online + face-to-face meetings) form the F2F part is organised either in Santorini or in Athens.
The face-to-face course in Santorini is on 30/6/23-9/7/23.
Please ask the Secretariat to confirm the dates, the cost, and the venue for this blended course.
The certification is based on a Teacher Portfolio submitted by the candidate ( including lesson plans, teaching practice, assignments etc) and is prepared with the support of Teacher Trainers. It is sent to Germany to be evaluated by the EUROLTA Master Trainers. Once the trainee is approved, the certificate is sent by the ICC headquarters from Germany within one month.
We submit portfolios for evaluation to the ICC assessors 2 or 3 times a year. After the delivery and in about one month, either the Certificates or the corrections of the evaluators are sent to the trainees.Our Centre issues a Certificate of Attendance for the courses held, in case the candidates need that during the training to present to different organisations. The Hellenic Culture Centre is officially recognized as a Lifelong Learning Centre and a language school by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religions (EOPPEP code number 2101782/ 2018 and 2308668/2018).
Working language
Greek is the working language for this course. You may be accompanied by your own interpreter from English or Greek and we are happy to welcome teachers of all languages.
Cancellation Policy
- Free cancellation 30 days before the beginning of the teacher training course.
- In case of late cancellation participants can use half of their fees to register to any teacher training course of the Hellenic Culture Centre within one year time.
- Cancellation penalty: for late cancellation half of the fees for teacher training.