Project Description
Learning to teach Greek
Familiarize yourself with the institutional framework of teaching Greek in Greece
- Adjust, produce, apply and evaluate the appropriate audio-visual materials
Learn to adapt the language games you use to different classes
Activate your students in and outside the classroom
Understand how to teach grammar to different levels of students of Greek
- Exchange teaching experiences, ideas and materials with experienced colleagues
In this teacher training course you will learn:
- To adjust, produce, apply and evaluate appropriate audio-visual materials
- To select and adapt the language games you use in the class
- To motivate your students inside and outside the class
- To promote a creative spirit in your language courses
Course Details
This course includes important aspects of Greek language teaching: how to apply language games and communicative activities, how to teach grammar in all levels of Greek, how to select and use audio-visual materials, how to mobilise students and to cope with practical teaching problems, and discussing after an observation of a Greek Language lesson for adults.
At the end of the seminar, participants are expected to have acquired the skills that will enable them to:
- select materials for teaching grammar at different levels to students of Greek
- adjust, produce, apply and evaluate appropriate audio-visual materials
- cooperate with each other and exchange teaching experiences, ideas and materials
- know the institutional framework of teaching Greek
- adapt the language games they use
- activate their students inside and outside the class
Intended for
- Greek Language teachers with no or little language teaching experience
- Practitioners who have experience in teaching Greek in non-formal contexts, i.e. NGOs or wishing to teach a language they know or Greek as L2
- Experienced language teachers of Greek who feel they need to upgrade their practical skills
- Directors of language schools who plan to add Greek as L2 and design curricula for different learners’ groups
- Other educational or managerial staff, of language organisations, assistant or shadow teachers
The course is based on the principles of participatory adult education by embodying participants’ experiences and fostering the exchange of their ideas, proposals and materials. Its focus is not merely on the didactic aspect of teaching adults but also on participants’ social and cultural knowledge gained through education and teaching different target groups throughout Europe. During the course the following techniques will be used: working in subgroups and pairs, role play, lectures, guided conversation, brainstorming, language and educational games and experiential activities.
The course also includes a face-to-face or video recorded observation session of a Greek language lesson for adults. Participants will have the opportunity to assess a teaching session of Greek in a specific context by applying the techniques of observation, interviewing and group discussion. Participants will share their learning experience at the end of the session.
Participants will be given hand-outs, original materials, lists of intercultural activities and websites for teaching tools and for promoting Greek language and culture. Since a variety of educational tools and equipment enable participants to enrich their educational experience, video, audio, objects (realia), diagrams, photos and games will also be used during the course.
Participants will be given information about the official examinations for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek and on the institutional framework of non-formal education for non-Greek students. They will also be given articles on teaching Greek as a foreign language to adults as well as lists of the most recent publications of didactic materials.
Prior to course start-up participants will be asked to describe the institution they work for, the basic characteristics of their learners and their own professional background. They will be required to bring and present samples of the didactic material they use. They will also be given some information about the course group (trainers, organizers and organizing institution, other participants).
The course organizers will be responsible for sending all the necessary information regarding the venue (Santorini, Athens) and the travel to get there. All the above will be communicated via e-mail and post.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be encouraged to form a network which will function as a meeting point. Within this network, they will be able to exchange didactic materials and proposals as well as useful ideas for promoting Greek language learning in different European countries.
Day 1
• Presentation of the participants and their organizations
• Presentation of the seminar programme and the trainers (educational contract)
• Observation of a Greek language lesson for adults: Consideration of the course venue. Discussion with administration, trainers and students. Observation of a face-to-face or recorded lesson
Day 2
• Observation of a Greek language lesson for adults: Consideration of the course venue. Discussion with administration, trainers and students. Observation of a face-to-face or recorded lesson
• Reports on the visit: Presentation of participants’ remarks, thoughts and conclusions
• Institutional framework for teaching Greek to foreigners and adult education
Day 3
• Applying language games and communicative activities (part 1)
• Applying language games and communicative activities (part 2)
Day 4
• Teaching Grammar at various levels
• Teaching Grammar at various levels (micro-teaching)
Day 5
• Selection and use of audio-visual materials in lessons
• Activating students (homework, research, conversation classes)
• Coping with practical teaching problems
• Evaluation of the seminar – farewell activities – Creation of a communication network
Tuition Fee: 450 euro for 5 days/person.
Ifigenia Georgiadou, MA, Director of the Hellenic Culture Centre, Teacher Trainer, 35 years’ experience in teaching, external expert – evaluator at the National Organization for Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), at the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) and the Institute for Lifelong Learning (INEDIVIM), author of the books “Play & Laugh- Language Games for Teaching Greek as a Foreign Language”, Kaleidoscope -textbook series for learning Greek, EUROLTA Master Trainer (Certified Instructor of Teacher Trainers).
Nikos Konstantopoulos, MA, adult educator, responsible for distance education at the Hellenic Culture Centre, 20 years’ experience in teaching and material production, EUROLTA Teacher Trainer (Certified Instructor of Teachers and adult educators), trainer in Greek sign language
The course takes place only as Face2face either in Santorini or Athens for 5 days.
Draft Schedule: 23/3/2022 until 27/3/2022 & 22/06/2022 until 26/06/2022
Please ask the Secretariat to confirm the dates and the place of this course.
Our Centre issues a Certificate of Attendance for the teacher training courses held, to be submitted to private or public organisations and calls. The Hellenic Culture Centre is an officially recognized as a Lifelong Learning Centre and a language school by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religions (EOPPEP code number 2101782/ 2018 and 2308668/2018).
Working language
Greek is the working language in this course.
Cancellation Policy
- Free cancellation 90 days before the beginning of the teacher training course.
- In case of late cancellation participants can use half of their fees to register to any course of the Hellenic Culture Centre within one year time.
- Cancellation penalty: for late cancellation half of the fees for teacher training.
Please consult the Secretariat.