Project Description
Intercultural Skills for Educators & Mentors
- Advance your understanding on Intercultural Education
- Explore diversity in Europe
- Exercise and develop your intercultural skills
- Learn to apply active listening and communication rules
- Act like a cross-cultural counselor
- Solve “Lost in Translation” issues
In this teacher training course you will learn:
- To recognize and encourage the intercultural skills of both your learners and yourselves
- To develop your intercultural skills
- To exercise empathy and active listening skills
- To recognize and encourage individual intercultural skills
Requirements for all online courses:
- Good internet connection
- A headset with microphone
- A Skype account
- Speakers are recommended
- Willingness and patience to learn
- Try to practise what you have learned
Course Details
This course is an introduction to the Intercultural education and aims at offering practical examples and at developing the intercultural skills of all participants. Participants will:
– Clarify key concepts of Intercultural Education: Identity, Culture, the Right to Difference, the values of Equity and Interaction
– Explore diversity in Europe with a view to improving quality in adult education: explore diversity in the societies represented on the course, institutional policies, diversity in the course group, heterogeneity in the classroom, an intercultural approach in teaching
– Exercise and develop their intercultural skills with each other:
Language and communication skills, empathy, guidance and counseling, cultural knowledge, etc.
– Review and plan their own work including how to:
- Generate and answer questions on diversity
- Apply active listening and communication rules
- Listen to different points of view
- Act as a cross-cultural counselor
- Work cooperatively
- Recognize and encourage the intercultural skills of both their students and themselves
Intended for
- Teachers of any subject with no or little teaching experience
- Practitioners who have experience in teaching and work in non-formal contexts, i.e., NGOs
- Experienced trainers who feel they need to upgrade their intercultural skills
- Directors and managers in NGOs and different educational organisations who address different learners’ needs
- Other educational or managerial staff, of educational organisations, assistant or shadow teachers
- Trainers, managers, social workers in Cultural Organisations
- Adult Educators in second-chance schools
- Youth Workers in NGOs
Teaching methodologies must ensure interaction between facilitators and participants and between learners rather than imparting homogenized knowledge or techniques and for reproduction. This is especially true when intercultural skills are concerned, because they cannot be “learned” in a cognitive approach but need to be experienced and developed interactively.
In accordance with the abovementioned principles, the training methodology developed for the course will focus on facilitating the objective-based interaction between all persons involved. As an intended side effect, participants will experience themselves and reflect on interactive and cooperative learning methods in an intercultural process which they may consider and adapt for their work purposes.
The course is based on the principles of participatory adult education by embodying participants’ experiences and fostering the exchange of their ideas, proposals, and materials. Its focus is not merely on the didactic aspect of teaching adults but also on participants’ social and cultural knowledge gained through education and teaching different target groups throughout Europe.
During the course, the following techniques will be used: working in subgroups and pairs, role-play, lectures, guided conversation, brainstorming, language, and educational games, experiential activities.
It is a course that seeks to reach and include all learning styles by utilizing a wide range of pedagogies, including problem-solving, working in groups and in pairs, reflective discussion, experiential learning, brief didactic inputs on concepts and theories, and action planning, in order to apply material learned. Special attention is given to involving participants’ regional backgrounds and experiences and to facilitating mutual exchange.
In order to facilitate and mutually support participants to apply and disseminate what they have learned, participants and trainers will create an e-network as a forum for exchanging ideas, experiences, and materials. Networking will enhance possibilities for further cooperation amongst its members on the basis of new partnerships and/or projects on intercultural adult education.
Day 1
– Welcome – ice-breaking activities – getting to know each other
– The educational contract: participants’ hopes, expectations and concerns about the course
– Definitions of essential concepts: “Identity” and “Culture”
Day 2
– Key principles of an intercultural approach:
“Self-determination”; “Equity” and “Interaction”
– Implications of diversity in adult education: description of diversity in European Society, taxonomy and examples of diversity
Day 3
– Intercultural key skills of an adult educator: diversity in the course group, heterogeneity in the classroom, positive and
negative implications of diversity, problem resolution
– Recognizing and promoting intercultural skills in adult learners: defining key skills of individual intercultural competencies, techniques to recognize and encourage individual intercultural skills
Day 4
– Action planning: how to apply learning in the adult education classroom or institution and in the community; short- and long-term measures
– Presentation of group assessment of the intercultural dimension
– Cultural programme
Day 5
– Reports on the visit and the course
– Networking activities
– Feedback and evaluation: activities for evaluating all aspects of the course
– Farewell activities
Tuition Fee: 450 euro for 5 days/person.
Ifigenia Georgiadou, MA, Director of the Hellenic Culture Centre, Teacher Trainer, 35 years’ experience in teaching, external expert – evaluator at the National Organization for Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), at the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) and the Institute for Lifelong Learning (INEDIVIM), author of the books “Play & Laugh- Language Games for Teaching Greek as a Foreign Language”, Kaleidoscope -textbook series for learning Greek, EUROLTA Master Trainer (Certified Instructor of Teacher Trainers).
Nikos Konstantopoulos, MA, adult educator, responsible for distance education at the Hellenic Culture Centre, 20 years’ experience in teaching and material production, EUROLTA Teacher Trainer (Certified Instructor of Teachers and adult educators), trainer in Greek sign language. Experienced teacher trainer. MA in Education and Human Rights, University of Athens and University of London. MA in Cultural Technology.
The course takes place only as Face2face either in Santorini or Athens for 5 days.
Draft Schedule: December 2022 in Athens and May 2022 in Santorini.
Please ask the Secretariat to confirm the dates and the place of this course.
Our Centre issues a Certificate of Attendance for the teacher training courses held, to be submitted to private or public organisations and calls. The Hellenic Culture Centre is an officially recognized as a Lifelong Learning Centre and a language school by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religions (EOPPEP code number 2101782/ 2018 and 2308668/2018).
Working language
English is the working language in this course. You may be accompanied by your own interpreter from English or Greek and we are happy to welcome teachers of all languages.
Cancellation Policy
- Free cancellation 90 days before the beginning of the teacher training course.
- In case of late cancellation participants can use half of their fees to register to any course of the Hellenic Culture Centre within one year time.
- Cancellation penalty: for late cancellation half of the fees for teacher training.
Please consult the Secretariat.