Project Description

Home/Teacher Training/Drama Games for All Language Classes

Drama Games for all Language Classes

  • Select the drama games suitable for organizing an efficient language course

  • Adjust, produce, apply and evaluate the appropriate drama games
  • Develop speaking skills of your students through fun activities
  • Organise online drama games with your students

In this teacher training course you will learn:

  • To overcome monotony in your lessons
  • To select the drama strategies suitable for your course
  • To apply and evaluate the appropriate theatrical tools
  • To cope with different practical problems in using theatrical techniques

Course Details


The Hellenic Culture Centre is delighted to announce a new course with David Farmer, an award-winning writer, theatre director and drama consultant. He delivers training and presentations for organisations worldwide.

This unique one-month course shows you how to use drama games and strategies to engage your students in foreign language learning as well as in mother tongue learning. Drama expert David Farmer guides you through activities which can be applied to all language classes in primary, secondary and adult education. There will be time to explore a wide range of theatrical approaches, to discuss common issues with colleagues and devise practical solutions. You will come away with a folder full of effective plans guaranteed to liven up your language lessons.

The Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC) has been awarded the Best Practice for Quality Care GINGO AWARD 2012 for the course “I Teach Greek”. It has been a well-known Teacher Training Centre in Greece since 2000 and is the first EUROLTA Teacher Training Centre in Greece to certify Foreign Language teachers through the ICC-International Language Network .

At the end of the course, participants are expected to have acquired the skills that will enable them to:

  • select the drama games suitable for organizing an efficient language course
  • adjust, produce, apply and evaluate the appropriate drama games
  • develop speaking skills of their students through fun activities
  • special attention will be given to online drama games with your students

Participants will receive preparatory information and will be invited to form an online community at the end of the course. We require you to bring and share samples of learning materials and textbooks you use across the curriculum so that the course will have a practical character. The online community will enable participants to exchange didactic materials and teaching strategies as well as project proposals and useful ideas for promoting effective and fun learning in different European countries.

Intended for: 
  •  All primary, secondary and adult educators who TEACH LANGUAGES and wish to update their knowledge on teaching strategies, share enjoyable and effective theatrical techniques with colleagues from other countries and practice many drama activities in the students’ role.
  • Teachers of any language: a foreign language, a second language, a mother tongue, a classical language like Ancient Greek and Latin 
  • Teachers in primary and secondary schools, in VET centres, in NGOs, in Higher Education Institutions.
  • Adult Educators in second-chance schools
  • Youth Workers in NGOs

If you are working as a language teacher or language advisor in:

  • a school/institute/educational centre
  • an adult education school/institute/centre
  • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO
  • an organisation working with migrant groups/ethnic minorities
  • a cultural organisation, library, museum that organizes language programmes
  • a higher education institution (including those providing educational opportunities for adults)
  • a school for young and adult learners with special needs
  • a public or private, small, medium, or large enterprise (including social enterprises) that has or want to organize a language education department
  • as social partner or other representatives of working life, including chambers of commerce, craft/professional associations and trade unions that offer language training to their members

You are welcome to join the course!


Participants will be given information on relevant bibliography on drama games for language classes as well as on internet drama resources. They will receive articles on the subject. Before the course, they will be asked to describe the institution they work for and the basic characteristics of their learners and their own professional background. Participants will also be given hand-outs, original materials by David Farmer, a list of language games and websites for teaching tools. 

Upon completion of the course, participants will be encouraged to form a network which will function as a meeting point. Within this network, they will be able to exchange didactic materials and drama games as well as useful ideas for promoting language learning in different European countries.

Blended learning modalities

Teachers will share ideas and experiences on using theatrical techniques and strategies in teaching and learning through a dedicated Facebook group or / and a Moodle platform.


Before the course, participants will be asked to bring materials and describe the institution they work for, the basic characteristics of their learners, and their own professional background. It is also required to bring and present samples of the didactic material they use (books across the curriculum in digital format or hard copy) and other tasks they have to do with their learners. Participants will receive information for the course group (trainers, organisers and organising institution, other participants). Organisers will be responsible for sending all the necessary information regarding the venue and the trip.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be encouraged to form an online community on a platform, which will function as a meeting point. Within this network, they will be able to exchange didactic materials, information on teaching through drama today in Europe as well as recent publications on the topic . They will be able to exchange ideas for promoting the use of drama in teaching throughout different European countries. They will also be invited to participate in more KA1, KA2 or KA3 EU projects

Quality Management – European dimension guaranteed

Participants of at least two countries should participate in this teacher training course, allowing the exchange of ideas and experiences from different educational contexts.


At the end of the course, participants are expected to have acquired the skills that will enable them to:

  • select the drama games suitable for organizing an efficient language course
  • adjust, produce, apply and evaluate the appropriate drama games
  • develop speaking skills of their students through fun activities
  • special attention will be given to online drama games with your students

Participants will receive preparatory information and will be invited to form an online community at the end of the course. We require you to bring and share samples of learning materials and textbooks you use across the curriculum so that the course will have a practical character. The online community will enable participants to exchange didactic materials and teaching strategies as well as project proposals and useful ideas for promoting effective and fun learning in different European countries.

Hours: 17.30- 20.30 Greek time (16.30-19.30 CET), 4 days – 12 hours workshop live with the trainer and 13 hours asynchronous individual work (total 25 hours)

The Drama Games for All Language Classes course starts on 07/02/2022 until 28/02/2022 for 4 weeks. Online meetings take place every Monday at 17.30- 20.30 Greek time (16.30-19.30 CET)


David Farmer, the main trainer, inspires, motivates and educates teachers about the power of drama to transform learning. Following a stand-out career as a theatre director and producer of shows and workshops for young people across the world, he is an in-demand speaker, trainer and writer. His online course Drama Games for Language Teaching won the Best Resource for Teachers Award from the English Speaking Union. He is the author of several best-selling books on drama including 101 Drama Games and Activities and Learning Through Drama in the Primary Years.


Our Centre issues a Certificate of Attendance for the teacher training courses held, to be submitted to private or public organisations and calls. The Hellenic Culture Centre is an officially recognized as a Lifelong Learning Centre and a language school by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religions (EOPPEP code number 2101782/ 2018 and 2308668/2018).

Working language

The course is offered in English, but its content can be adapted into any other language.

You may bring your own interpreter from English and we welcome teachers of all languages.


130 euro. Includes: training, training materials, certificate of attendance, invoice VAT included

Special offer:   15% discount on David’s relevant books:

  • 101 Drama Games and Activities (Lulu 2007)
  • Learning Through Drama in the Primary Years (Drama Resource 2011)
  • 101 More Drama Games and Activities (CreateSpace 2012)
Cancellation Policy
  • Free cancellation 90 days before the beginning of the teacher training course. 
  • In case of late cancellation participants can use half of their fees to register to any course of the Hellenic Culture Centre within one year time. 
  • Cancellation penalty: for late cancellation half of the fees for teacher training.