Research Initiatives

As a main part of our mission we develop research initiatives on Modern Greek  and we undertake:

  • research on issues of educational needs, teaching methods, special groups of students
  • conferences/ meetings/ events for the promotion of Greek language and the dissemination of knowledge in language teaching methods, in Intercultural Education and in Adult Education
  • production of educational materials and methods of long-distance learning
  • planning of programmes, curricula and educational services to other organizations (Vocational Training Centres, Non Governmental Organizations, private educational institutions)

IPHIGENIA CENTRE FOR HELLENIC STUDIES Research Center have conducted Research on:

  • How to train teachers teach Greek online

  • Strategies of advanced students who learn Greek

  • Distance learning methodology

  • The Tandem method

  • How to teach refugees through informal and non formal teaching 

  • The use of social media in learning languages

  • Characteristics, needs and expectations of those who learn Greek as a foreign language

  • Informal learning digital language café in Greek

  • The use of the Montessori method in adults’ language training

  • The use of mobile devices in class

  • Models for viable language communities

  • The Language Education Policy for adult immigrants in Greece

  • The need for Intercultural consultancy programmes for teachers and adult educators who teach multicultural groups

  • Construction and reconstruction of knowledge of teachers of Greek as FL to Adults in non – formal settings

IPHIGENIA CENTRE FOR HELLENIC STUDIES Research Centre has published relevant chapters in books, articles in Journals and Conference papers:

  • Teaching a Language as an invitation to a Culture

  • Language Learning through Project Work

  • Teacher Guide for Aural Skill Development

  • Needs Analysis of language learners and teachers  in online media

  • Authentic Learning

  • What is a Knowledge Clip?

  • Challenges and Limits of Knowledge Clips: observations from the L2LBYTE2 Community of Practice

  • Applying a task-based approach to authentic texts: An example of teaching a poem to lower level students of Greek as L2

  • Teaching Greek as a second / foreign language to adult learners: theoretical issues, practical problems and good practices

  • A good practice example of educational tourism in Santorini: Integrated Greek Language and Culture Programme

  • Teaching Mother Tongue in Emigration

  • Initiatives for the promotion of teaching Greek as  second/foreign Language

  • The dimension of Gender in the use of ICT

  • Intercultural consultation for teachers and trainers

  • Methodological Toolsets for Internet-based Language Learning

  • The contribution of the non-formal education organizations to the teaching of Greek as a foreign Language

  • Languages for Integration- The Orientation Project

  • Mapping the non – formal education of foreigners in Greece

  • The professional profile of teachers who teach Greek as a foreign Language in Greece and their attitudes towards continuing professional training

  • Assessing the Greek Educational Policy for teaching Greek to immigrants and refugees

  • Greek and Turk: national Identity in conjunction with “the other”

  • Teaching Greek to immigrants, refugees, and repatriated Greeks

  • Teaching Modern Greek to multicultural groups of adults

  • Fundamental elements which should be present in a textbook of Greek as a foreign language

  • Language games and communicative activities in teaching Greek as L2